My name is Krys Deming, and I am a trans and queer educator with experience teaching in high school English, ESL, and college classrooms. My goal as an educator is to be a source of representation for queer and marginalized students and to instill equity within my classroom and larger school site. I will achieve these goals through including texts and histories of marginalized voices in my English and Humanities classes, by promoting an inclusive classroom culture, by establishing safe and brave spaces (as appropriate) within my classroom and campus, and by using my position as a teacher to further equitable practices and mindsets.
Within academia--besides teaching high school English and Humanities classes--I specifically focus on Young Adult literature, Posthuman theory, and Queer Theory and Pedagogy. I also am currently creating a queer pedagogy and ally training course for workshops, Odyssey slices, and graduate classes.
Outside the classroom, I enjoy reading whatever catches my interest at the time (usually a fiction novel of some variety), exercising, hiking, camping, playing games, and making rock jewelry.